My Blogs


Brand Brilliance Bootcamp: Month 5— Engage with Your Audience

By the time you reach Month 5 of your brand-building journey, you’ve already made some serious strides. You’ve defined your brand identity, increased visibility, collaborated across departments, and showcased your leadership potential. But let’s face it: a brand doesn’t thrive in isolation. A key part of building a strong, lasting personal brand in your company is engaging with your audience—and yes, you do have an audience. Whether you realize it or not, your colleagues, managers, and even upper leadership are watching how you interact, present yourself, and contribute to the organization.   This month is all about connecting meaningfully with those who are observing your professional growth and cultivating the

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Brand Brilliance Bootcamp: Month 4: Showcase Your Leadership Potential

When it comes to career growth and personal branding, leadership is the secret sauce that can elevate you from a capable employee to an indispensable force within your organization. By Month 4 of your brand-building journey, you’ve already laid the groundwork. You’ve defined your brand identity, increased visibility, and engaged across departments. Now, it’s time to showcase your leadership potential—a move that can transform how your colleagues and leaders perceive you, positioning you as an emerging leader, even if you don’t hold a formal title yet. Let’s be real: leadership isn’t reserved for those with the fanciest titles. Real leaders are the ones who inspire, guide, and influence others, regardless

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Brand Brilliance Bootcamp: Month 3: Network and Collaborate

Hello, Moving With Meaning Tribe! Welcome to Month 3 of our journey to build your personal brand within your company. After focusing on laying a solid foundation and increasing your visibility within your team in the first two months, it’s time to expand your horizons. This month, our focus is on networking and collaboration—two critical elements that can catapult your brand to new heights within your organization. The Power of Networking and Collaboration: Networking isn’t just about collecting contacts; it’s about building relationships that are mutually beneficial. It allows you to access new resources, gain insights, and tap into the expertise of others. Collaboration, on the other hand, involves working

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Brand Brilliance Bootcamp: Month 2: Increase Visibility Within Your Team

Hello, ambitious professionals! Welcome back to our month-by-month guide on building your personal brand within your company. If you’re just joining us, don’t forget to check out the first installment, where we discussed laying the groundwork by understanding your strengths and creating a personal brand statement. Now that you have a solid foundation, it’s time to focus on increasing your visibility within your team. Why Visibility Matters: Visibility within your team is not just about being seen; it’s about being seen in a positive light. It’s about demonstrating your value, showcasing your expertise, and building relationships that can support your career growth. When your colleagues and leaders see you as

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Brand Brilliance Bootcamp: Month 1 – Crafting Your Corporate Persona

Welcome, savvy professionals, to the first installment of our exciting ‘Brand Brilliance Bootcamp’ on building your personal brand within your company! Over the next few months, we’ll be delving into the art of self-promotion, navigating office politics, and ultimately becoming the rockstar of your workplace. Now, let’s kick things off with a bang by focusing on Month 1: Crafting Your Corporate Persona. Why Bother Defining Your Brand Identity? Picture this: you’re in a crowded room, surrounded by colleagues, all vying for attention and recognition. How do you stand out from the crowd? By defining your brand identity, of course! Your brand identity is like your personal superhero costume – it

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For Me, Success Isn’t One Size Fits All: Embracing the Unconventional Path of Self-Publishing

For Me, Success Isn’t One Size Fits All: Embracing the Unconventional Path of Self-Publishing Hello, you wondrous story readers and writers. My name is Rebecca Heidt, and I’m here to share my wins, knowledge, and failures with you all. I’m the self-published author of the “Acceptance” series, which is being turned into a 5 movie saga starting with “Secrets of the Warrior” that I’m the writer, director, and producer for. Stepping away from all of that, let’s talk about self-publishing. A question I get often is why I self-publish over traditional publishing. If you know me (which you don’t yet) you’d know that I research everything possible in both areas

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The Power of Coaching for Career and Mind

Shedding Light In the dynamic world of today’s workplaces, the role of coaches is not a novel concept, yet its prominence is steadily increasing. The struggles within corporate environments have led to higher retention rates, but many companies still grapple with effectively engaging their teams. This blog explores the transformative concepts of coaching, shedding light on the emergence of coaching culture and its profound impact on individuals’ careers and mental well-being. Numerous companies invest in coaching and collaboration workshops, but the integration of these programs remains a challenge. High-performing individuals are often certified as coaches, yet the services are not effectively communicated to the entire organization, making coaching a low-priority

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The Seasonings of Life

I seem to have been inspired by the Fall season’s signature sign: Photosynthesis. Yes, leaves do happen to change colors in the deep south; much later than the northern states but I’m digressing. Each Fall brings change to the deciduous trees by depriving it of one of its life-giving sources, chlorophyll, only to return light back to it in abundance and spring new life.  I think we ourselves are very much the same…while growth does indeed come from light, it is the darkness that forces the inner reflections to challenge us to be better each year: a better organizer, better financial management, better choices with friendships, better parent, better friend,

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Fall Into Perspective

In art, drawing in perspective is to give a solid object on a two-dimensional plane the right scale of its height, depth, and width with its position to other things from various points of view. How about we do that with a memory today? Fall Is the Season for Remembrance: Fall could not get here soon enough for me. I just have so many fond memories with my family. I felt that the latter part of the year was when our family was at our best. I grew up in Omaha, NE away from my extended family. It seemed that when the chill of the season started to set in

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Once Upon a Realm: 5 Witty Ways to Weave Your Fantasy World

World-building is an essential part of any great fantasy story, but why settle for a generic, cookie-cutter world when you can create something truly unique? By infusing your world with quirky creatures and whimsical landscapes, you can capture the imagination of your readers and bring your story to life in unexpected ways. World Building With A Twist Begin by outlining the fantastical world in which your story takes place. Infuse creativity by adding unique elements like unique creatures, whimsical landscapes, or unconventional supernatural systems. Use humor to add depth to your world-building, creating memorable settings that spark the reader’s imagination and funny situations that bring your fantasy world to life.

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